TikTok's Hottest Handicapper
Sharing my love and knowledge of sports betting with all of you…My Fellow Daily Wagerers
My Daily Wager Packages
My Daily Wager has 2 packages...Elite and Platinum. The Daily Wagers Elite Package gets you all the main picks for the day rated 1-5 units. If you are looking for the big plays of the day check out The Daily Wager Platinum plays rated 6 and above. You will get 100% of all plays each day in all sports.
Daily Wager Elite
Daily Wager Elite Plays rated 1-6 in all sports.
Daily Wager Platinum
Daily Wager Platinum Plays (includes 8 unit plays)
Daily Wager Specials
Special Packages

Who is Daily Wager?
A combination of Sports Enthusiast, Athlete, Christian, and Philanthropist, not necessarily in that order, but most of all, a Family man, expressing and sharing my interests in Sports Capping with all of you.
I was born in Vietnam, during the Vietnam war and was adopted by an Incredible American Family and raised all over the world as a Military Brat. I am now married with 5 wonderful kids and many grandkids. I currently reside in the Lone Star State, Texas.
I feel extremely blessed because I now have the option to share my love and knowledge of sports betting with all of you…My Fellow Daily Wagerers.
My philosophy is simple….Live each day with a Purpose, have fun, and most importantly stay true to yourself and those that you Love.
Stay Humble and Kind!